Passed Over Pets
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How Does It All Work?
The following explains a lot about how a Pet Communicator fits in to the scheme of things. I think you'll find this write-up interesting....
Earth is populated by various life forms. In the interest of keeping it simple, let's think of things in terms of broad groupings: people, animals, and plants. (I will not be addressing the plant kingdom here in great depth as this is not the purpose of my services via this web site, but people who have good communication with plants know that the following applies to this life grouping as well.)
Regardless of other concerns, confusions or conclusions, one will find that all research done by any field, religion, philosophy, science or even casual examination leads one to the same conclusion:  LIFE is LIFE. We and our co-occupants on this planet are always (1) physical life forms (atoms & molecules; cells & tissues; carbon, oxygen, water, this type of thing), (2) which are animated by life force (detectable in an obvious form as dead vs alive: a person on the street vs. a body in the morgue, to give a graphic but very real example), (3) with a mind to help control and figure out things in life, and (4) with generally one contactable being BEING in charge of things.  In your case, that's, well, YOU. In your pet's case, that's "the guy behind the eyes" that you know and love. You know who I mean.
We all use our minds to think about things, monitor our actions and bodies, decide when to move ourselves around, ponder the other guy's intentions or actions, and generally make conclusions about things.  These conclusions may be wrong or right based on the information we have available to us, but in any case, that's what the mind's for - to take information, mull it over, and solve or conclude things. I'm sure you can think of examples of using your mind every single day to help you run your life, your body, and so on. Well, it's no different in the Animal Kingdom.
Now, "animals" as we know them have a different type of body than we and are more stimulus-response "programmed" for more base survival. Their outlook is much simpler: eat, sleep, reproduce, survive, then maybe play a bit ~ so general behavior seems not only simpler but perhaps less "intelligent" than the average human's. They are in fact quite intelligent and are quite aware of everything that is going on. You may be a computer programmer and a high IQ person.  That doesn't mean you can do car repair! - but the fact that you cannot do car repair does not mean that you're low IQ, either. The average domesticated animal has no real need nor opportunity to hone skills that they in fact cannot perform due to physical handicaps (a dog cannot hold and use a screwdriver) nor do they have the luxury of being able to analyze much information. They hear and understand, and filter out that which is useless to them. And with pets, generations of domestication combined with being raised by humans weeds out a lot of their survival skills and they know this. They may think they're big bad predators, but they still depend on you for food, shelter, guidance, protection, illness and wound care, and they will follow your lead in decision making. Their needs and interests revolve around their own and their adopted family's survival. Their job in life is to give unconditional love, to protect you and themselves, to try to heal you when you feel bad (such as trying to lick your wounds, pressing up against you when you feel sick etc.), and the like. LET THEM BE WHO THEY ARE. They are not human beings (being + human body), they are animal beings (being + animal body), and should be allowed to flourish and enjoy this state of existence.
Just as a blind man's hearing can become quite honed, an animal's telepathy is a primary survival and communication tool and they are quite good at it. It's very natural to them. We're the ones that balk at this fact while they continue on as they have for millions of years!
Ever walk into a room and get the feeling like someone's standing in the corner, so you turn and look and you still know it - but there's "no one there"? Guess what.
Animals have a keener sense of this than we generally do, as it's not a "suppressed" and "interpreted" (or pooh-poohed) ability for them. This, by the way, occasionally explains out-of-the-blue reactions a household pet has - a sudden bark, the cat who quickly glances at some part of the room, the bird who goes real quiet for no reason and then resumes singing. A perfect example of this occurred in my own household once with my dog. Yes, he'll hear an outside noise and react to it, but this one was different. It happened in the middle of the night. He woke up and started barking. I woke up and looked at him ~ he was standing on our bed, staring at "nothing" in the middle of the room, barking at this nothing. Gave me the creeps, Fox barking at the air, because he was quite insistent and also unvarying, staring at the same spot in space and barking steadily. This was no "outside noise". As accustomed as I am to telepathy, this still caught me off-guard and I sleepily tried the "Fox, it's OK, there's no one there" tired BS approach. Bark, bark, bark. He wouldn't even look at me and his stance was very much on guard. This was a very real danger to him, four alarm bell alert!
I figured (sigh - no sleep allowed here) the truth would resolve things, and said, "Fox. You're right. There IS someone here". He instantly stopped barking and turned his head to look at me with very widened eyes.The look was "(Gulp) Maaaahmeee?!?"   No kidding. Well, now I had to follow through as he was no longer the Big Protector/Alarm Bell, he was the little puppy who needed Den Mommy to do something. Yikes!
I decided that not only would I "clean the room out", I'd enlist Fox Mulder's natural telepathic ability to help to do so, so that if this came up again, he'd feel more empowered. So I said, "OK, the being is upset about something. Let's find out what he's upset about so he leaves us alone and goes bye-bye. Mommy AND Fox will do this together". His expression changed from shock to curiosity. I told him we were going to listen to what this being had to say, and so on, some basic instructions. We both turned our heads to face the "spot". (Must have been real odd looking!) We did our thing, and the upset being took off. I gushed to Fox about how well he did in handling this guy, got a BIG proud tail wag, then he simply looked at me as though nothing had happened ("Yeah, Mom, I'm cool, knew I could handle things") and plopped down onto the bed to promptly fall fast asleep!
If I had BS'd him at all, this would not have occurred. I know, I've tried in the past when I'm too tired to have sufficient freed-up attention to really do anything! It never works. He knows I'm BSing him and just carries on until I acknowledge the truth of the situation.
So I learned a lesson that night and am passing it along to you as an example of one angle of How It All Works.
Communication can still occur between species and in fact does all the time. The Pet Communicator listens to what the being has to say. This may also be accompanied by pictures from the animal's mind, "words" heard, and the like. But the telepathy occurs between us two beings.
This has been going on since there have been animals and humans co-existing on the same planet.
Animals communicate telepathically or through thought, and often pictures and sometimes audible words are involved for the Pet Communicator. The Pet Communicator receives these on a conscious level and translates them into human words. Those thoughts and concepts, words, feelings, impressions, and pictures form the essence of the communication from your animal.
Telepathy between animals goes on all the time, humans just seldom pay attention.  To understand animal telepathy in action, imagine a flock of birds traveling overhead and all suddenly changing direction at the same time. And if you watch, you will also see the telepathy between animals in the most common of scenarios; watch them interact. Look beyond the obvious (sniffing, pawing, etc.). Observe two dogs together, or some pigeons strolling around and occasionally passing an idea back and forth. Lizards, your aquarium fish...any and all of them. As an exercise, you should actually take the time to do this and more than one time.
So animals are communicating by thought and this is routine for them. Interspecies communication between people and animals is possible too. Everyone has the ability to communicate this way but most people don't know how to go about it or have the time to master this skill. This is where the Pet Communicator is called in.
It can be frustrating for animals without this help...can you imagine if you were in a room full of people that you knew, by name, and really liked, and wanted to talk with, and they spoke words...but when you opened your mouth, all that came out were basically a bunch of sounds that no one else seemed to understand? Barking, meowing, mooing, hissing - there you have it. How horrible it can be!
Run it back a bit further.  Right before you open your mouth to speak, you have decided what it was you are going to say and to whom. Well, so does the family dog. He has something to communicate to you, and the intention to get it across to you.  Ever sit by your computer working and feel like someone was "beaming" you? You turned around and found your fish staring right at you quite intently.  You smiled, knowing little Chucky was saying "Hi" - well, he was! Someone walking in right then might think you a little odd for saying Hi "back" to your fish, but you know the communication passed between you.
So these beings have something to say but are severely physically handicapped: no spoken words, they're underwater, whatever.  This does NOT mean that they cannot be heard ~ because the original communication was telepathic anyway!
Nor does the fact that they are not "looking at you" or "showing" emotions in the same manner as a human does mean that they are not there, listening, and experiencing. This is VERY important. Your rabbit can be apparently just sitting there wiggling his nose and looking at the wall, when at the same time he is telling you something telepathically. The communication is occurring, whether you "get" it or not. This is a fact but is very hard for people to wrap their minds around sometimes. If the dog is telling the Pet Communicator that Fido is very happy at home but all the owner sees is Fido is laying there staring at a chair leg, it's hard to believe that any communication passed between anyone! Well, it was. Remember, animals do not normally ever communicate in the same fashion as humans do so they don't use the same expressions and body language we do, nor does it necessarily occur to them to try and do so. They don't have the same facial muscles or vocal cords, they're used to telepathy, and in fact they're used to no one understanding what they have to say in the first place. They bark because it creates the desired effect, but they sure the heck know as well as we do that there are no human words articulated. We get accustomed to types of barks and meows (just as we do certain motions and actions they do) because it is a form of communication, and one that they can and will do to try their darndest to get their point across to the non-receptive (telepathically) or doubting-Thomas owner.
Household "training" extends only to what the owner "needs" to know, such as this dog pokes you with his nose to go out, and that cat dances around and meows when you approach the kitchen. In these two examples, these body language signs would have to have been worked out early on as these communications are "important" (and they are). But the point of what I'm telling you is that there are other things the animal is trying to tell you which you may miss because there's no "obvious" way for them to use their body to show you.
That's where a Pet Communicator, Pet Psychic, Pet Translator, Pet Intuitive, Pet Consultant enters in. For any number of reasons, we can "read" these communications and don't falter at it or doubt ourselves or what the animal is saying. Hopefully. I know I don't. You probably have this ability as well, just untapped or unacknowledged - but that's another story! I know if I'm unsure of something, it needs to be sorted out or talked out, and there's always something behind my uncertainty and sooner or later that animal will "out with it" and it'll all come together.
No different than talking to anyone else.
Intention & Mental Pictures: A human being decides to communicate something. He does so with words, "body language", pictures, drawings, smiles, a raised eyebrow, whatever.  But he is always the one sending the idea across to another and his decision to do this comes before any motion or sound he may make.
This is true of animals, too. They decide to say something and then do so. As with people, this is sometimes accompanied by a mental picture, and/or a thought consisting of words.  But not always! Someone asks, "What's your name?" and you reply "John". You don't have to think about it. You don't necessarily have to "hear" the word John in your mind.  (Some do, some don't.) If you are asked what you had for dinner 4 nights ago, perhaps you would have to think for a bit. You may or may not hear "Roast beef - which was a bit overcooked, and potatoes" in your mind.  You might "see" the potatoes sitting on the plate. Or not.
And when you went to answer the question about what you had for dinner that night, you could simply say "roast beef and potatoes", "roast beef", or "overcooked roast beef", depending on what you decided to communicate. And the decision would, as you know, come just prior to opening your mouth to speak.
Now, if someone were "reading your mind", it might go like this:  They ask you what you had for dinner 4 nights ago (but you are not to answer vocally). Your attention goes on that. While you are mulling this over, the psychic person might see in their mind your picture of potatoes on a plate, and also hear your mind's word "overcooked". Perhaps they also get the idea (without words or pictures) that you had roast beef. You say nothing; this psychic's conclusion could then be either, correctly, that you had overcooked roast beef and also potatoes, or the misinterpreted version that you had overcooked potatoes.  
If you intended for the psychic to "get it" correctly, you would make sure it was straight in your mind that it was overcooked roast beef, and potatoes, and you would intend for the psychic to know this. And the psychic would get just that, if the communication came cleanly over to them and they were perceptive enough to detect it. Remember, an example of telepathy would be if one person thought of something specific and another person stated or wrote the thought correctly. Translating needs to be done between species; interpreting is an entirely different matter.
In Animal Communication, concepts, sensations, tastes, emotions and mental pictures can inter-relate, or not. Example: a dog can give me the idea of "eating dog food out of a bowl". Depending on how they focus when they transmit it, I can get: That the dog is thinking about the subject of eating (but not necessarily actually eating); the idea that the dog is eating; that the dog is eating dog food; that the dog is eating dog food out of a bowl; any of those plus the the taste of the saltiness of food. I can perhaps see a bowl with food in it, maybe not. If I get the idea of the dog eating, that does not mean that he is eating dog food, that this dog food is in a bowl, or that he likes this food.
Recently I was in touch with a passed over cat who suddenly felt a welling of affection toward and strong feeling of missing his owner. He could barely spew the emotions out fast enough. He, for lack of better wording, blurted out , "Don't ever take it for granted, take anyone for granted. 9-11 taught us all that." He paused a bit mid-stream; he knew what he was trying to say but had no clue really what "9-11" meant, nor did he live in New York or any such obvious clue as to how he would have linked onto this term "9-11" as equating with not taking someone for granted. Yet it was the perfect wording for his concept.  
This is basically the same as a child repeating something in the playground which  sounded "cool" on TV while having no idea what it means. This cat being didn't exactly know what "9-11" meant but let me know that he had connected the "for granted" concept associated with its use from a lot from other beings; it had been tossed around a lot as a concept about 9-10 months back, and the concept seemed appropriate and that had been why he threw the "9-11" words at me, in the hopes that it would well-communicate to the owner.
I passed it along and also decided to clarify things for him in a fashion he could comfortably accept. Now was not the time for gruesome History Lessons. Out of context here, but I really got that this particular being was not up to it. How I handled it was I let him know about tall buildings that had had thousands of people, humans, in there, and the buildings fell down NOT because of bad construction (as this would have scared this particular cat about the subject of buildings) but because they got bumped too hard - and people got hurt and some died, kind of a lot, and so other humans went "oops!" and realized that it might have felt a little bit better if they had said goodbye to certain people that morning. And 9-11 is the human nickname for that day.
Just like that, no more, no less. And this he could accept and in fact responded that he understood why so many beings were in a tizzy (also his word) for a couple of months and also why "9-11" meant "don't take people for granted" to many human beings.
The bottom line here is translation is a bending and forgiving art between any two languages, and animals, not well versed with "human-speak", need special attention and caution so that both directions of communication are well preserved.
Representative Images
This is a term I made up J which means that the animal being shows me what he's trying to get across using a picture, image such as a generic "ocean scene", or an actual TV character or movie scene. Usually it is one he has intuited that I will know. They do this by taking things from my mind (as they are sharing my mind just as I share theirs, sort of a co-swap occurrence if you will), or something they have seen which they know I will know or which they know anyone would know.
The generic scenes feel generic, like looking at a "live" postcard. They are unto themselves, as images, emotionless, and are non-incidents. Real incidents feel like real incidents.
Example: My mother is a Princess! they show me a flash mental picture of a generic "Princess", a beautiful young lass with a tiara, unicorn by her side, handsome Prince faded image in the forest background, etc.
Example: "I used to be a horse back in the (concept sent: "Southern days" / mental picture sent with it, a scene from the movie 'Gone With The Wind' - a movie I've seen countless times - with Scarlett O'Hara sitting there at the barbeque with her beaus....and wait! There's Rover! superimposed right into the scene...but now he's a horse!
Example: "The dog came up to me and was scary!" They send me a picture of them and the "scary dog", and it's happening right in front of the house I grew up in as a child. Concept is that this occurred "in front of their home" - but they choose to show me MY home as this, to them, will make it "real" for ME that it was, well, "home" (to them).
The list and examples go on and on. All of the above actually occurred and many, many more. They do this to be helpful and because every being uses their own "system" of getting their ideas across. I've long since stopped trying to "interpret". I just get what they're trying to get across.
How does it all work?
This is how I most frequently describe it to people:
Let's say you're sitting on the couch. You get the idea of going to the refrigerator and getting a piece of pumpkin pie. You decide to go get it. You stand up and walk over to the kitchen, open the fridge and get the pie. Yum!
OK. So. There you are on the couch. Now this is not two-way communication such as would be your telegraphing it over to some other being (i.e. Telepathy), but just get how this works for the example's sake....Here we go ~
Getting the idea is just that. That's what it is when I give the idea to your Rover that you are curious if he likes his name or not, and he gets the idea that he does. You don't necessarily say to yourself, or think with loud, clunky words to yourself, "Now I Will Stand Up And I Will Walk Over To The Re-frig-er-a-tor". And Rover doesn't necessarily say to me to pass along to you, "Yes-I-Like-My-Name". He just gets the idea of the question in the first place, and responds with the idea that he likes it.
I say to you, "He says he likes it".
OK. When you stand up to walk over the kitchen, you don't (necessarily) (hopefully!)  say to yourself "I Am Walking. Step. Step. Step." You just walk over there.
On the way over to the kitchen, you can easily think about 100 things. You forgot to drop off the electrical bill. Is your daughter taking her Algebra test right now? Oops! You have to put that last load into the dryer soon or it won't be ready before you have to pick up your daughter to take her to the mall. The mall has that exact thing you were thinking of buying for your neighbor for her birthday. You're gettin' old...not so old. Dad was 76 when he've got some years on you. IF you take care of yourself. Pie's a no-no. PIE! Yum! That pumpkin pie's awaitin'...!
In the middle of this you might "see" the front of the dryer. Feel a tiny twinge of anxiety for 2 seconds regarding hurrying up so you're not late picking up your daughter. Have the flash idea and mental picture of how nice you still look in that red dress and how Hubby still thinks you're a ain't that old! And you might "hear" the audible word in your head, "Pie!" with an excited sensation, you can taste it, your stomach growls, this type of thing.
A lot happening there? Well, sure, and this is normal. We're busy beings and walking is a reeeeeeal slow thing when compared to our speed of mental capacity. And all this on your way from the couch to the kitchen. And you may or may not be conscious of all of this (so to speak), least of all the rate of speed with which it is happening. And why should you? But remember, in the course of my communications with animals, I get the blow-by-blow, as will you as I pass it along.
Yes, such is the same with your Rover. So you may hear from me, "He says he likes it. He likes the name Rover. It sounds to him like he 'roves'. He's proud that he also knows what the word 'rove' means, as a human word. He uses the actual word 'rove'! The emotion sent to me is connected to that is like chest swelling up pride. Oh, so...ok so but he doesn't think you named him Rover because of that 'roving animal' concept. As a matter of fact, he's giving me the idea that - some earlier owner came up with that name. He's not sure about an earlier owner, he seems to recall some man but can't remember his name. Emotion there is mild grief....OK, that's passed. He does at least recall that you're his second owner. Has that basic concept. Mmmmm....strong feeling of love, warmth - wow! OK....oh, and he's showing me a strong mental picture of a leash. Hang on - there's some 'point' to this leash picture - oh, OK! It represents 'going out'. Roving. That was to have accompanied the 'roving' concept. He's laughing about it now. Finds this all very amusing - emotion is 'mirth'."
And there you have the same elements: conception of ideas. The occasional "word" and/or mental picture, and/or emotion(s) accompanying each concept. Back to FAQs
Everyone's different and some explain it differently, but that's the long and short of it.
Other side of the coin: this is part of why psychics can be so suspect in people's minds. They can get things wrong, but you have to realize that they're just getting what's available, and are somehow supposed to interpret it without any help. Kind of like playing "20 questions". It helps if there is 2-way communication with both parties desiring the free interchange of ideas.
Thus it is with Animal Communication. Animals want to be heard just like anyone else. They are the "Silent Majority". Animals find the communication to be an extremely satisfying experience. They do get used to no one understanding their communications, which is frustrating, but their day-to-day joys override this frustration as they love to make you smile, they love the petting and scratching, they love to please you in any way possible, and they love YOU. They have a deep sense of that being their role in this life and this is as important to them as, say, your family or your job or your investments or your pride in a meal well-cooked or your car in good repair or your mother's health or anything else we care about. You are their entire life, beyond their own base survival.
In non-domesticated animals, their own survival and the survival of their offspring and mates are generally top priority. They do however co-habit this planet with humans (and other animals) and they often have questions, confusions, fears and concerns about "those odd humans" and the like. This, too, can be resolved with Animal Communication.

With Passed Over Pets the above is exactly the same. They are however the more essential them. It's the being. I am communicating directly with "the guy behind the eyes" that you know and love. You know who I mean.
The purpose of this web site is to hook you and me up in order to enable you to reconnect with your Passed-Over Pet or animal friend. This can include your pet, your friend or neighbor's pet, or any animal(s) that you'd like to communicate with.

"Hands down the best thing I ever did for my dogs and me! Incredibly astonishing." ~ NB

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All site contents Copyright (c) 2002, 2009 Julie Rich.